
This page contains explanations of commonly used terms relevant to using and navigating Workzone.

Left navigation

This colored column contains the main functions of Workzone such as Documents, Projects, Reports, workspace selection, and more, expanding when the cursor hovers over it:

Top navigation

This colored bar contains the main functions of Workzone such as Documents, Projects, Reports, workspace selection, and more:

Page functions

Located directly below the top navigation (and sometimes page title), these buttons typically control adding and editing content as well as different views/filters:

More menu

These three vertical dots contain various tailored options based on the context of where the menu is located:

Text link

When clicked, these will open or switch over to a new page, window, or overlay:

Disclosure triangle

This represents an expandable list of items and can be clicked to reveal that list and clicked a second time to hide the list again:

Travel icon

This icon appears when hovering the cursor over a task in the To-Do List report and redirects to the main Projects area, highlighting the relevant task from the To-Do List in yellow:

Details tray

When core content item such as projects, tasks, requests, etc. have their names clicked, the right side will slide in a tray containing various details, described in as next items below:

Overview: Depending on the item tray, this tab can contains details, comments, and other collaborative options.

Files: In this tab, documents can be added and interacted with directly. Dragging and dropping files into this area attaches them to the initially selected task or project.

Requests: Only shown in the details of a project, and for teams with Requests enabled. Here, a project can be linked to an existing request, and all of a linked request's details can be quickly viewed.

Time - With Time Tracking enabled, Workzone projects and tasks will show and summarize time data here.

Expenses - With Expense Tracking enabled, Workzone projects will show and summarize expense entries here.

NOTE: On Requests, the details tray has Comments as a separate tab, rather than part of the Overview tab. Also, Documents details trays only have an Overview with no additional tabs.


An overlay shows as a box or frame, appearing on top of existing content, usually for the purpose of adding new items or editing selected items. Here are a few examples of displayed overlays:


This is a column displayed on the left in some views like Reports and Settings. It contains sections that can be expanded or collapsed using the small disclosure triangles. There is a small arrow (highlighted below) that can be used to expand or collapse the visibility of the sidebar:

Columns to display icon

These three vertical lines provide control over which columns a report can show.

Export icons

These symbols provide various means of emailing, printing, and downloading the current page. They're typically in the to right corner of the current page:

Support panel

This area provides contact options for our staff and helpful answers. It appears when selecting "Chat or Email Us" from the ? icon in the Navigation Bar in the top right:

Page title

Many pages in Workzone, particularly Reports, are titled near the top, usually just below the Navigation Bar, like this example for the To-Do List:


Each row/line that represents a document in Workzone can have symbols providing helpful information and interaction, such as the state of an approval request, presence of markup, and how many versions and comments exist:

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