Introduction to Boards

Some projects follow a very simple workflow and don’t need the details, dependencies and reporting of a project plan in the Projects module. Boards lets you track work in a visual way, akin to moving sticky notes on a wall. Drag and drop "Cards” to move a project or item from one “List” to another as it progresses. They provide a very useful alternative for certain teams (such as software development) that value speed and simplicity or are already comfortable with other board tools, like Trello.

Check out the video below to see Workzone’s Boards in action

NOTE: If you don't have the Boards icon available in your Workzone site's navigation bar, an Administrator will need to enable it in the Features to Display settings. Watch this video to see how to turn on Boards.

Boards in Workzone are a visual tool that enables your team to manage work. Boards contain Lists of Cards that can incorporate files, checklists, and comments, and can be customized to best suit your team's needs.

You can learn more about different aspects of Boards in these articles:

  • Viewing and Setting Up Boards - The Boards Overview page allows for the creation of new Boards and managing existing Boards. Boards contain Lists that typically represent different stages of a Card.
  • Using a Board - On a Board, Cards represent tasks or activities, and can contain a variety of details. Move Cards across Lists (using drag and drop) to show their status, represent progress, and accomplish what needs to be done.
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