Welcome Page

The welcome page is the initial page that a user sees when they enter into Workzone from the login page.

NOTE: Users do not see their Welcome Page if entering Workzone via a specific link, such as an item notification.

Welcome pages can be set differently as a default for each user role to give each type of user the information they will likely find most useful.

Individual users can customize the welcome page they prefer under the My Settings page, accessible from the user name drop-down menu in the top right.

To set a user type with a particular welcome page:

  • Select All Workspaces from the workspace drop-down list at the top left of the page.
  • Click the settings (gear icon) in the top right.
  • On the left side, under the Global section, click the link for Welcome page.
  • For each user type, select the default welcome page; recommended default pages have already been pre-selected for you.


Users with access to multiple workspaces see a page that lists the workspaces to which the user has access. By clicking on the workspace name, the user is taken to Documents for that workspace. A user with access to a single workspace (normally a Reviewer) will automatically be placed into Documents for that workspace.

To-Do List

Users see their personal To-Do List (under Reports). This is the recommended welcome page for junior team members who are focused primarily on getting their own work done.

Project To-Do List

Users see the Project To-Do List (under Reports), which shows the next steps for each project. This is the recommended welcome page for tactical Managers whose main focus is keeping projects on track.


Users see a page of graphical reports can provide an easily understood overview of different activity and progress.

My Timesheet

Users can do personal time tracking and time entry.


Users can communicate directly and in grouped conversations (channels).

Status by Project Report

Users see the Status by Project Report (under Reports), which lists each project’s summary information and status. This is the recommended welcome page for senior management who want a birds-eye summary of project status across the organization.

Recent Activity Report

Users see the Recent Activity report (under Reports).


Users see the Projects module (Task List or Gantt Chart).


Users see the Project Request dashboard.


Users see the month view of the Calendar.


Users see whatever custom HTML you provide, including formatted text, links and graphics. You can override this default custom page at the workspace level by including different custom HTML under the settings for a specific workspace. This requires HTML coding to present and format text, images (must be hosted on an external server) or links to external sites (please open these in a separate window, using the target=”_blank” command.) For assistance with this advanced feature, contact us.

Creating a custom Welcome Page for a specific workspace

(This feature is only available if the Welcome page setting under All Workspaces is set to Custom.)

  • Select a workspace from the dropdown list in the top left.
  • Click the settings (gear icon) at the top right.
  • On the left menu, under Settings – This Workspace, click the Welcome page link.
  • Enter your custom HTML for this workspace and click Preview to see how the page will look.
  • Click Save Changes to save the page.

NOTE: This will override the default custom Welcome page for this workspace, but will not affect other workspaces.

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