Sending Notifications To Alternate Email Addresses

Workzone provides flexibility to send email notifications to email addresses other than the email address used to log in to Workzone, which allows a user to receive Workzone notifications in the inbox or on the platform(s) important to them.

Configuring Email Addresses

To get started with sending Workzone notifications to another email address, go to the My Notifications page. There is a section titled Send Notifications To These Addresses, as shown here:

In the Email Address box, enter the email address to receive Workzone notifications, then click the Add Email button. This can be repeated for up to three total email addresses.

NOTE: Once at least one alternative email address has been established, the Also send to log in email checkbox can be unchecked, ensuring that Workzone doesn't send notifications to the log in email address of a user and will only use the alternative email address(es) entered.

Getting Notifications In Slack or Teams

Platforms like Slack and Teams allow their users to receive notifications in their platforms by sending them to a dedicated, specific email address, which allows users of those platforms and Workzone to get their Workzone notifications in the Channel or Direct Message (DM) conversation of their choosing. Links in those notifications can be clicked and will direct a user into Workzone (like replying to a comment, for example).

For directions on getting the email address from a Channel or DM in Slack, check out this page:

Send emails to Slack

For directions on getting the email address from a Channel in Teams, check out this page:

Send an email to a channel in Microsoft Teams

TIP: You can create a private channel in Microsoft Teams and direct Workzone notifications to that channel's email address so that notifications in Teams aren't visible to others.

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