
Every project, task, request, and document in Workzone has a Comments section (unless disabled for Documents in settings) on the details tray for that item where user and system comments are recorded. The Comments section is accessed by clicking the project or task name from the List or Gantt view. In the main Projects area, a task or project with an existing comments thread will have a small speech bubble to the right of the project/task name (the bubble will be colored red if there are unread comments, and gray if read previously).

To add a new comment, click in the Add a comment box, then type the comment and click the Send button.

Unless the "Automatically email comments to subscribed users" system wide setting has been disabled, users that will receive an automatic notification of any added comments will be listed below the comment box. Clicking the + or initials/profile icons at the bottom provides the means of adding or removing to the subscribed users.

In addition to the subscriber notifications, you can also use the @ symbol (typing in or clicking the button in the top right, as seen above), to Mention a User.

NOTE: Project comments in the details tray can viewed with two distinct tabs:

1. Project Comments - Only project top-level comments are shown here (those added specifically to the project title row).

2. All Comments - This area displays comments on all tasks, requests or documents contained in the project.

Automatic (System) Comments

Automatic comments are made by the system for changes to certain project and task fields, to create an audit trail of changes made to the project. Changes made to the following fields will automatically create a comment in the comment list for a task:

  • Responsible
  • Duration
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Status
  • % Complete
  • Notes

Changes made to the following fields will automatically create a comment in the comment list for a project:

  • Target end date
  • Responsible
  • Notes

The automatic comment will indicate who made the change, what fields were changed, the previous/current values of the changed fields, and the date and time the change was made.

To hide the automatic (system) comments, leaving just the user-created comments, check the Hide System Activities box.

Delete or Edit Project And Task Comments

Administrators can delete project and task comments. This may be necessary if a user posts an unwanted comment.

To delete a project or task comment, hover the cursor over the comment and click the to the right of the comment. Click OK to confirm that you want to permanently delete the comment.

A user can go back and edit a comment they specifically entered (no user, including Administrators, can alter comments they did not make), using the pencil icon that displays when hovering the cursor over the comment. Edited comments will show "(edited)" as an indication.

NOTE: The overall system log (accessed under the “Reports” link) will maintain a permanent record of the original comment and a note that the comment has been deleted or edited, to maintain the audit trail of activity.

A user can go back and edit a comment they specifically entered (no user, including Administrators, can alter comments they did not make), using the pencil icon that displays when hovering the cursor over the comment. Edited comments will show "(edited)" as an indication.

React to an Existing Comment

Emoji reactions are a convenient means of acknowledging and adding to comments in Workzone. They're a helpful and fun approach to simple communication — many times an emoji can replace the necessity for a follow-up comment.

To add an emoji reaction to an existing comment, click the smiling face icon that appears to the right when hovering the cursor over a comment, as seen here:

Next, you can click on one of the many reaction icons in the selection box that appears, as seen here:

The selected icon will then appear below that comment, along with another icon for anyone to use to add additional reaction emoji:

If the cursor is hovered over an existing reaction icon, a small box will display that identifies which user(s) added that reaction:

Reactions comment will show in the Notifications Inbox in Workzone (as shown below), but do not trigger any email notifications.


Workzone has a means of uniquely displaying comments that are intended to serve as a response to an existing comment. With threaded comments, ALL reply comments (including email replies and Notifications Inbox replies) are indented (or nested) to make those replies visually distinct when reviewing the conversation.

You can reply in threaded format by clicking the "Reply" icon found when the cursor hovers overs on an existing comment, as seen in the details tray (when the cursor is hovering) here:

...and in the Notifications Inbox, as seen here:

After entering the text of your comment in the box that displays, click the Save or Send button.

Replying from the Notifications Inbox or from an email notification (using email reply) will automatically cause those replies to be in a thread. If, instead, the comment should not be nested, you'll need to visit the comments area to do so.

NOTE: Replying to a threaded reply will simply continue on in the existing thread. There are not multiple levels of threading.


For projects, tasks, documents, and requests, it can often be useful to pin a particular comment from an item's comment list to the top for easy reference.

To pin a comment, use the pin icon, shown below, that appears when hovering the cursor on a parent comment row (threaded replies cannot be pinned by themselves).

Once the icon is clicked, the pinned comment is moved from its current date sorted position to the top position in the list. If there is already a pinned comment for a particular item, a message displays:

There's already a pinned comment on this item. You may only pin one (top-level) comment at a time.

Would you like to pin this comment instead?

Click OK to replace the previously pinned comment's position (the comment itself will remain, sorted in the comments list by date) with the new pinned comment. In addition to it's location, a pinned comment also has an orange pin icon that displays next to the comment's date, as seen here:

Clicking the orange pin icon will provide an option to unpin the comment and return it to being sorted in the comments list by it's date.

When a comment is pinned, the parent comment and any threaded comments under it are truncated so as to minimize the amount of visual space taken up, since new comments will show below the pinned comment. Click the expand link that appears when hovering the cursor on a parent comment row to show the entirety of the pinned comment. Click collapse to once again minimize the pinned comment.

NOTE: Both Boards and Workzone's Mobile Interface do not allow for pinning comments or displaying comments as pinned.


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