May 2024 Newsletter: Refreshed User Interface

It's been some time since our last product newsletter—we hope you didn't miss us too much! Along with the release of our refreshed user interface, we've been working hard on completing some smaller projects and planning out some larger projects. Read on to see what's new and what we're planning for the future.

What's New

As you've surely noticed, after months of work behind the scenes, Workzone's new look is live—we hope you like it! Along with that, we've deployed several smaller enhancements to the platform, including:

  • Projects
    • When creating new projects from templates, Workzone will remember the "start on" or "end on" selection for the date.
    • Similarly, there is now a setting in Projects - Other Settings that makes it possible to have "end on" be the default option when deploying a project from a template. (Thanks for the idea, Melanie!)
    • Projects that have been scheduled to repeat can now be renamed from the Repeating Projects report. (Thanks for the feedback, Junelle!)
    • When filtering for a single project, the project number now displays next to the project name in the filter bubble. (Thanks for the idea, Marcy!)
    • When creating a new project, User Groups now appear in the Project Responsible dropdown menu. 
  • Reports
    • Tasks pinned to your Timesheet now show a pin icon next to the task name. That pin icon can be clicked to unpin the task. 
    • The PROJECTS - Current Status dashboard widgets now display 100% complete projects in a different dataset, separate from "On Track" projects. (Thanks for the idea, Katelyn!)
    • The Usage Summary Report now includes a "User Group" filter. (Thanks for the feedback, Andrea!)
    • The Labor Expense report now includes a "Billable" filter. (Thanks for the feedback, Christina!)
  • Other
    • Boards - There's a new option to force cards to be sorted alphabetically within lists. This setting is found in the "Edit Board" area under the Board more menu. 
    • Boards - After adding a card to a list, a new blank card is automatically queued up making it easier to add several items to a list at once.
    • Requests -The Project Request status can now be edited directly from the Requests tab of the linked project in the Projects module.  
    • API - Custom field values for tasks and projects can now be updated via API. (Thanks for the feedback, Jordan!)

What We're Working On / Exploring Now

Our director of training and support, Trevor, has taken over as our new product lead. He's developed a product roadmap based on customer requests and would like your thoughts and feedback on these items. As a part of collecting that feedback, we've created a new email address, Not only do we ask that you send your feedback on the items below to that email address, but you're encouraged to email us there any time you would like to share thoughts or suggestions on what you would like to see from Workzone in the future. It may be difficult for us to respond to every message in a timely manner, but please be assured that we will be seriously considering every piece of feedback you all share. 

  • Multi-factor Authentication (Enterprise Tier) — We’ve already begun development on a new MFA function, allowing users to add an additional layer of security with authentication codes that can be accessed either via email or several popular authenticator apps. If you have specific needs or desires for what kind of options you would like to see Workzone offer for MFA, please let us know right away. 
  • Labor Rate/Expense/Revenue Recognition Reporting — We understand many teams bill clients for time & materials and would like to have a better understanding of how much money is being spent vs. how much revenue is expected to come in from the client. We're exploring building a report that would bring together several different types of data to make these insights available, and we'd like your thoughts on how we can build this in a way that works well for your business.
  • Integration with Microsoft Teams (Enterprise Tier) — We're aiming to create a built-in integration between Workzone and Teams and we could use your help prioritizing where we start. We plan to begin with triggering notifications into Teams, but if you have specific notification needs—or any other desires for this type of integration—your feedback would be really helpful.
  • Individual Out of Office/Paid Time Off Scheduling and Conflict Flagging — We're discussing a new means of allowing individual users to enter their out of office time into Workzone. Along with that would be a report that project managers can use to review conflicts between existing project schedules and a given user's availability. In lieu of having schedules auto-update when OOO time is entered, which Workzone can't currently support, would a feature like this be helpful?
  • Enhanced Image Markup Tools — Enhancements being discussed include scalable zoom, additional markup options (arrows, drawn lines, etc.), and highlighting text in PDFs. While we're working to explore what is or isn't possible with those ideas, what other ideas should we consider?

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