Projects > Completed - % > Reporting Dashboards

# of 100% complete projects by completion date

This report displays the number of projects with all (100%) of their tasks marked as complete, based on the date of the last task marked as complete. The report can display as a Table, Line chart, or Vertical bar chart (default). It can be filtered by (Project) Responsible or (Project) Category. There are also DATE RANGE AND FREQUENCY options.

# of 100% complete projects by workspace by completion date

Similar to the report above, this report displays the number of projects with all (100%) of their tasks marked as complete, based on the dated of the last task marked as complete, collected by workspace. The report can display as a Table (default), Line chart, or Vertical bar chart. It can be filtered by (Project) Responsible or (Project) Category. There are also DATE RANGE AND FREQUENCY options.

# of 100% complete projects by project responsible by completion date

Similar to the above mentioned "# of 100% complete projects by completion date" report, this report displays the number of projects with all (100%) of their tasks marked as complete, based on the dated of the last task marked as complete, collected by project responsible. The report can display as a Table (default), Line chart, or Vertical bar chart. It can be filtered by (Project) Responsible or (Project) Category. There are also DATE RANGE AND FREQUENCY options.

# of 100% complete projects by project category by completion date

Similar to the above mentioned "# of 100% complete projects by completion date" report, this report displays the number of projects with all (100%) of their tasks marked as complete, based on the dated of the last task marked as complete, collected by project category. The report can display as a Table (default), Line chart, or Vertical bar chart. It can be filtered by (Project) Responsible or (Project) Category. There are also DATE RANGE AND FREQUENCY options.

NOTE: Projects without dates (containing only dateless tasks) will not display on the above reports.

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