Completed Projects Report

The Completed Projects report shows projects with a status of 100% complete, meaning all tasks, including those with a portion of dateless tasks, within the project have been marked as complete. This is in contrast to projects whose project state has been set to "Completed" (for more information, visit our Project State article). Projects of any state (Active, Completed, Inactive, or Cancelled) will appear on this report so long as all of the tasks within the project have been marked as complete. The only exception is if the project is dateless (containing only dateless tasks), as those projects will not display on this report whatsoever.
The Filters panel offers options to filter by the end date of the project, the date 100% completed (which reflects the date on which all tasks in the project were marked as complete), the project responsible party, or the project category. You will also have the option to see a summary of the amount of projects completed by month by workspace.

Customizing which columns are displayed in this report is possible by clicking the gear icon in the top right. The following listed columns can be turned on or off by checking the appropriate box:

  • Number
  • Category
  • Actual time/variance
  • Target end date
  • Date 100% completed/variance — This will enable two columns. One, Date 100% completed, provides the exact date the final task within the project was marked as complete. The other, DC Variance, provides the difference in days between the date all tasks were marked as complete and the scheduled end date (the End column). This is calculated as date completed minus the end date (and can go negative if a project is completed early).
  • State — This column displays an interactive column where you can click and change the state of any project.

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