
Filter tasks, projects, and even certain reports, according to the criteria you specify. For project/task filtering, click the Filter button at the top in the Projects area.

In the frame that appears, use the selections and drop-down menus to choose your desired filters and then click the Apply Filters button.

Filters that are in place will be listed above in small blocks, and can be removed quickly by clicking the respective “x” next to each filter, or you can remove all filters at once with the "x" next to the Filter button.

Double clicking quickly in the area directly next to a workspace or project name can filter for that item.

This filtering is also an option when clicking the 3 vertical dots to the left of a workspace or project.

The default view of the Projects area shows Active projects only. To view projects in a Completed (or any other) state in the Projects area, click the Filter button at the top. In the frame that appears, select from the different Project State options, then click the APPLY FILTERS button.

NOTE: When filtering for Responsible or adding advanced filters for Category equals, you can select multiple options which will filter to include any rows matching any of the selections (i.e., this or that).

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