Advanced Markup

NOTE: Advanced Markup is an optional feature of Workzone. For details on adding this feature to your Workzone license, please contact us.

For Workzone organizations with it included in their Workzone license, Advanced Markup is an easy way to track feedback, collaborate on PDF markup, review videos, and more.

Advanced Markup is accessed on a compatible file using the 3 vertical dots ( ︙ ) to the right of the document in list view and choose Mark up file from the dropdown.

Alternatively, in a file's details tray, clicking the Mark Up button in the Details section will also access Advanced Markup.

Tools Layout

In Advanced Markup's markup view, by default, the pencil tool is selected for drawing a free-form line.

  1. Pencil tool - For freehand drawing.
  2. Note tool - Leaves a “Pin” on the content for a comment tied to a selected location.
  3. Shape tools - Includes Arrow, Double Arrow, Line, Box, Filled Box, Circle, and Filled Circle. Different shapes are selected in the bottom right of the button.
  4. Text highlight tool - Select and mark up text with precision. The text mark tool is only activated for PDF and SVG files that contain true text elements.
  5. Edit tool properties - The color square can change the color, size, and opacity of the mark made with the above tools. The size is specified in pixels relative to the resolution of the underlying image.
  6. Measure - Places an end-to-end line on the preview that shows length and positional data.
  7. Print - Displays a printer-friendly page.
  8. Exit Markup - Leaves the markup preview altogether.
  9. Filter and sort notes by chosen criteria
  10. Select previous/next note
  11. Expand/collapse all notes

Bottom toolbar

View and navigate with buttons at the bottom of the document preview area.

  1. Go to previous/next page*
  2. Navigate to a specific page in the page total*
  3. Show (or hide) page thumbnails* - When showing, each page thumbnail has a small icon in the bottom right corner representing if that page has received any markup.
  4. Rotate - Turns the page 90° clockwise
  5. Pan tool - With this tool enabled, clicking and dragging the document shifts the displayed portion of the document in the preview area
  6. Zoom in
  7. Zoom out
  8. Change zoom

*These controls only display for a multi-page document.


After a markup has been made, a number in a pin/circle is created (this may be moved if desired) and a comment window will pop up allowing for a comment to be associated with the mark.

There's also the option to click Draw More to associate additional drawing elements with the comment. This will move and open the comment menu in the comment sidebar and additional elements can be drawn as long as it remains open (using any of the Pencil or Shape tools).

When all the elements and text have been added for a comment, click the Post button to save.

After saving, the comment will appear, with the page number or video timestamp when appropriate, on the right side along with the commenter's name, the comment number, and a creation timestamp. There are buttons at the bottom of the comment:

  1. Reply to comment - Nests a new comment indented and attached to the original
  2. Edit last reply comment
  3. Set task - As a way of noting the activity referenced by a comment as completed, this pops up a box to select Set as task completed followed by a box to enter text as a reply. Clicking the Post button is necessary to save the Set as task completed selection.
  4. Delete last reply comment

@Mention Users and Notifications

To send a comment notification to a user, when entering the text of a comment, type "@" to display a list of all the available users and then choose the person to notify. That user will receive a notification with the comment text and a link directing them back to the comment for review and reply.

Comment Notifications (set outside of the Markup view) for subscribers are also functional.

NOTE: Subscribers will receive every markup comment as a notification by default. Checking the global Don't automatically email image markup comments to subscribed users checkbox in the Administrator settings (under Auto Notifications > Auto-email comments) will disable markup notifications to subscribers.

Compatible File Formats

Workzone's Advanced Markup supports the following uploaded file formats:

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .gif
  • .png
  • .pdf
  • .tif
  • .tiff
  • .svg
  • .mp4

NOTE: If the Advanced Markup feature wasn't enabled in Workzone when one of the supported file types was uploaded, the file may need to be re-uploaded to use Advanced Markup on that particular file.

Video Markup

Due to the unique nature of video files, Workzone presents distinct controls at the bottom for proofing videos:

  1. Range selectors/playhead - Click and drag this as one unified control for scrubbing through the video to a specific point. Additionally, each of the two ends can be dragged independently to select a portioned range of the video, as shown here:

  1. Go to previous/next frame
  2. Play/pause video
  3. Loop playback
  4. Change playback speed
  5. Change volume
  6. Current frame/Range in point
  7. Video duration/Range out point
  8. Play video fullscreen

Webinar Recording

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