Workload Reports

Workzone can report on the work hours (from the Work field) assigned to responsible parties and groups, in addition to capacity, availability, and other metrics in a specified time period (day, week or month). To access the workload reports, click the Reports icon at the top. The workload reports are accessed on the left under the WORKLOAD section.

NOTE: Tasks without dates will not appear in workload reports.

By responsible party

The Workload by Responsible report can show workload across all responsible parties, or for one individual (details on the individual view are at the bottom of this article). When viewing all responsible parties, there are multiple controls located at the top of the page:

  • Today - This button will set the currently displayed data to start with the current date (on the left of the time grid at the top of the report).
  • Timescale - This dropdown allows for switching between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly views.
  • Group -  If you have one or more User Groups established, this dropdown can filter the data to display just the members of the selected group.
  • Data - This dropdown switches between the different metrics (User capacity, Workload, User availability, Utilization, and Assigned Tasks).
  • Show remaining work only - This checkbox will filter out the data from tasks that have already been marked complete.

If a responsible party is allocated more work than their User Work Capacity, the allocated Workload hours for that time period will be shaded red to warn you that this individual is over-allocated for that time period. This same red shading also display for any Utilization that is above 100%.

NOTE: User capacity, Workload, and User availability are measured in hours, while Utilization is a percentage, and Assigned Tasks is a count. User availability is calculated as Workload subtracted from User capacity (User capacity - Workload = User availability). Utilization is calculated as Workload divided by User capacity (Workload ÷ User capacity = Utilization).

When viewing the Data for Workload, there is a convenient way of reassigning one or more incomplete tasks for a user. Click on a value to show a pop up box with the ability to select and transfer one or all tasks to another user, as seen here:

By category

The Workload by Category and Responsible report shows the categories to which work has been allocated and the specific responsible party responsible for the work within that category. This report can help you balance the load among responsible parties within a work group or category. Clicking the name of a responsible party will also show an individual view (details on the individual view are at the bottom of this article).
There are three of the same view controls found here as on the "By responsible party" report:
  • Today - This button will set the currently displayed data to start with the current date (on the left of the time grid at the top of the report).
  • Timescale - This dropdown allows for switching between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly views.
  • Show only incomplete tasks - This checkbox will filter out the data from tasks that have already been marked complete.

Individual view

Click on the underlined name of any responsible party in either the By responsible party or By category reports to see detailed data pertaining to that responsible party. This can help to identify at what points a user may be under- or over-utilized and can show which specific tasks make up their workload. You can show multiple metrics at the same time using the checkboxes in the Data to show list, as seen here:
Below the different Data to show rows checked off, there are additional rows representing the Workload values for each workspace, as seen here:

Here's a tip: Open a workload report in one browser window and the main task list view of Projects in a separate browser window. Then, after you make changes to a task, refresh the workload report (click on the report name on the left menu for the By responsibility or By category reports, and refresh the page in the browser). Projects will recalculate the impact of the changes made to tasks on the total allocations.

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