Dates, Durations, and Milestones

While most tasks should be associated with a date, tasks in Workzone may not always have dates. The following rules govern changes made to the task with dates and durations:

  • If the DURATION value is changed, the system keeps the START date the same and calculates the END date based on that change.
  • If the START date is changed, the system keeps the DURATION value the same and calculates the END date based on the new START date.
  • If the END date is changed, the system keeps the START date the same and calculates the DURATION based on the new END date.

With dateless tasks, duration can be set without having any dates in place on a task, though once dates are added to a task, the above rules would apply.


Unlike typical tasks in a project which have a distinct amount of time scheduled for completion, milestones are a special type of task with zero duration. Milestones are meant to track significant tasks within a project plan, like the completion of a phase of a project, the delivery of an asset, or a key juncture for evaluation. 

To establish a milestone, first have an existing task in place, then click that task's duration and enter "0" as the duration. That task will then display as a milestone with a distinctive diamond symbol (◆), as seen here:

NOTE: Milestones will also display with the same duration symbol above on the Gantt Chart view.

To show milestones exclusively, you can filter the main Projects area (using the top Filter button) for tasks with a duration of zero, as seen here:

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