Importing from Microsoft Excel or Project

NOTE: Before importing your file, make sure that any Responsible parties or Categories that you wish to import already are set up in Workzone prior to the import or they will not be included in your project when it is created in Projects.

Importing from MS Project

The following MS Project fields will be imported into the fields in Workzone:
  • Task name
  • Priority
  • Finish date
  • Start date
  • Duration
  • Work
  • % Complete
  • Notes
  • Parent/Child relationships (levels of tasks; what goes under what)
  • Predecessors/Dependencies (only finish-to-start: task B cannot start until task A finishes; other types will be converted to finish-to-start and may cause errors in your project plan)
  • Resource assignments (needs to be an exact match to an existing WorkZone user or Custom Resource)
  • Text1 – will be mapped to the Category field in WorkZone (needs to be an exact match to an existing category in WorkZone)
  • Text2 – will be mapped to the Description field in WorkZone
To import MS Project, from the main Projects area, click the Add Project or Add Tasks button. Under the add tasks section, select the circle next to Import tasks from Excel or MS Project. Click the circle next to Import from MS Project. Click Browse, and select the MS project file from your computer.

ClickSave and Add Tasks (orAdd Tasks if adding to an existing project) button, and your new tasks will be created using your imported MS Project file.

Import from Microsoft Excel

To ensure that Excel information is properly mapped to Projects fields, you will need to download an Excel spreadsheet template to use for your import.
To download a copy of the latest Excel spreadsheet template, from the main Projects area, click theAdd Project orAdd Tasks button. Under the add tasks section, select the circle next to Import tasks from Excel or MS Project. Click the Download spreadsheet link and save the spreadsheet to your computer. Use this template to enter your task information.

Projects will only import the fields indicated in the spreadsheet. Do not add or remove columns in the spreadsheet.
The only required field is Task Name (the Task column in the Excel spreadsheet). If you do not specify dates, Workzone will set the new tasks as dateless.
Once imported, tasks with dates are automatically sorted in this order: end date, start date, alphabetically. To maintain the current order of your tasks, dates should go from earliest to latest, top to bottom. Tasks without dates will appear below any dated tasks.
Task indentations (creating phases, tasks/sub-tasks) can be created by using the Indent tool in Excel. No other form of indenting, like spaces or tabs will import correctly.
Import begins on row 14; start on this row and do not skip and leave any task row blank. Skipping a blank row in template file will cause an error.

NOTE: Before importing your file, make sure that any Responsible parties or Categories that you wish to import are set up in Workzone prior to the import or they will not be included in your tasks when they are created.

To import the template into Workzone, save the changes to your spreadsheet and return to the same add tasks section where you downloaded the template earlier (described above). Select the circle next to  Import tasks from Excel or MS Project. Click the circle for Import from Excel. Click Browse, and select the updated Excel spreadsheet you saved on your computer.

Click  Save and Add Tasks (or Add Tasks if adding to an existing project) button, and your new tasks will be created using your imported Excel file.


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